The roles and qualities required for an Educator...

There are many ways a teacher can reinforce the merits of Superhero play, there are also ways to guard against any signs of violence and or aggressive tendencies such as rough play that could easily occur if there is a bully in the midst. Kosteliuk et al.,(1986) defines rough play as fighting, wrestling and chasing behaviors (Boyd, 2008). Hence, the role of the ECE is to step in and redirect the activity ensuring that everyone is safe and no one gets hurt or is offended by someone's rough behavior. Usually the first sign of a child's cry signals trouble and an alert ECE would be able to stay on top of things and address any issues that may arise.

An important role of the ECE as facilitator of learning and growth is to ensure that there is safe and successful peer interaction and this means that no one is being left out of the Superhero play. Usually one or two student dominate the activity so allowing all to participate no matter how small the role is extremely important.

Lastly the role of the ECE is to be sensitive to his or her own gender bias. In Superhero play boys usually assume the role of superhero leaving the girls out or to get a minor role. An ECE could be mindful of this and allow a girl to role play the Superhero. Also, the ECE could even have a short lesson featuring some female Superheroes such as Wonder Woman, Storm, Batgirl or Buffy the Vampire Slayer. Doing this, would demonstrate to the class that girls have just as many capabilities as their male counterparts to be a successful superhero. It may also send a message to other children of diverse cultures that all individuals are considered equal under the law in Canada.

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